Pencil to Paper – Monika

Monika drawing

Hi Matt, newbie here from Australia.  
I am pretty happy with my effort.  I wasn’t sure on how to do the background without ruining it, so I left it as is.  I also only noticed the long legs after I took a photo (which seems to be a good way to check for any problem areas!) so as you see I corrected it.  One thing I didn’t do at the start was measure length-wise to fit it all in, like the platform etc and I started too big.  My reference was A4 and I was basically doing it 1:1.
I really did feel a bit panicky during the ‘messy middle’ but as you said in one of the lessons, if we keep going it just all comes together.  That’s when I started to relax and enjoy the process.  🙂
Regarding the Summer semester etc, can these be done after it has finished?  Or just wait till you start the Autumn Semester?  Thank you for such an incredibly in depth and comprehensive course/website!


Posted on

July 20, 2024

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